Wega di Number


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Pa por kobra bo premio mas fásil nos ta pidi e ganadó pa kontrolá e informashon riba e lista aki i si mester koregí algu tuma kontakto ku FWNK na telefòn: +5999 7370059

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Curaçao Lottery (Wega di Number Kòrsou)

The Curaçao Lottery organized by FWNK has become an important concept in the community. The live broadcast of the daily drawing receives high viewing ratings and ranks as the second most popular show on TeleCuraçao.

How to play
  • Select a four (4) digit number combination between 0000 and 9999.
  • You can buy different number combinations (play types): ‘Match 4’, ‘Match last 3’, ‘Match last 2’ or ‘Back and Front’.
  • You will receive a ticket with your selected number(s), the drawing date, price, identification number and the value of each number. Remember to check your ticket before leaving. You are responsible for the accuracy of the information on your ticket.
  • Each number costs a minimum of 25 cents.
  • Each number gives you one chance to win.
How to win
  • Check the official drawing results to see if you are a winner! The Curaçao Lottery drawings organized by FWNK are broadcast live every evening at 9 pm on TeleCuraçao.

  • The drawing results with the winning numbers are also printed the next day in the local newspapers.

  • If the 4 numbers you purchased match the first set of winning numbers drawn in the official drawing on the date of purchase, you win the first prize of Wega di Number Kòrsou.

  • If your 4 numbers purchased match the second set of winning numbers drawn in the official drawing on the date of purchase, you win the second prize of Wega di Number Kòrsou.

  • If your 4 numbers match the third set of winning numbers drawn in the official drawing on the date you purchased, you win the third prize of Wega di Number Kòrsou.