Wega di Number


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Pa por kobra bo premio mas fásil nos ta pidi e ganadó pa kontrolá e informashon riba e lista aki i si mester koregí algu tuma kontakto ku FWNK na telefòn: +5999 7370059

Choose your date


No draw

Drawing of the Curaçao Lottery (Wega di Number Kòrsou)

On the following dates in 2023 there will be no drawing of the Curaçao lottery (Wega di Number Kòrsou).


01 January 2024 New Year
11 Febrüary 2024 Sunday of Karnaval
12 Febrüary 2024 Monday of Karnaval
29 March 2024 Holy Friday
30 April 2024 Holy Saturday
31 April 2024 Easter day
01 April 2024 Easter Monday
27 April 2024 King’s day
01 May 2024 Worker day
09 May 2024 Ascencion day
02 July 2024 Dia di Himno i Bandera
10 October 2024 Curaçao day
24 December 2024 Christmas Eve
25 December 2024 Christmas
26 December 2024 Christmas Monday
31 December 2024 New Year’s Eve


Other dates

Extra Drawing

In accordance with the law ‘Eilandsbesluit houdende algemene maatregelen’ of November 27, 1997, and FWNK’s rules for the Extra Drawing, there will be the following changes in the dates of the Extra Drawing.

Please take note of these date changes for the Sunday Extra Drawings:

Sunday 11 February 2024 will be moved to Wednesday 14 February 2024.

Sunday 31 March 2024 will be moved to Tuesday 2 April 2024.